New York Office

    1441 Broadway, FL5
    New York, NY 10018 - USA
    Phone: +1 (646) 225 - 6666
    Fax: +1 (646) 350 - 2820

  • USA

    New Jersey Office

    742 Bergen Blvd
    Ridgefield, NJ 07657 - USA
    Phone: +1 (646) 225 - 6666
    Fax: +1 (646) 350 - 2820

  • Denmark


    bøgevangen 19
    5462 Morud - Denmark
    Phone: +45 31 21 01 60

  • France

    PIM France

    Ave des Champs Elysees
    Paris - France

  • Hong Kong

    PIM Hong Kong

    Hay Wah Building

    Hennessy Road

    Hong Kong

  • Hungary

    P92rdi Ltd.

    H-1038 Budapest,
    Ráby Mátyás u. 26. - Hungary
    Phone: +36 1 453 4131

  • KSA

    SNS Group

    AL ORUBA STREET, Building #496
    2nd floor Al-KARAMA SWEETS
    Riyadh – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
    Phone: +966 50 434 3434

  • Lebanon


    Khoury Building, 3rd Floor
    Jounieh - Lebanon
    Phone: +9613113999

  • Qatar

    Q Gifts

    Salwa Road - Doha
    Phone: +974 - 44880655

  • Sweden

    syntexa AB

    Signalhornsgatan 124
    65634, Karlstad - Sweden
    Phone: +46 (0) 54 444 00 12

  • Switzerland


    Chemindes palettes, 22
    POBox 1212 GrandLancy
    Geneva - Switzerland
    Phone: +41 76 711 4878

  • United Kingdom

    Hakim Group

    India Mill Business Center, Suite 317

    Bolton Road, Darwen, BB3 1AE

    Phone: +44 (0)1254 708 422

    Fax: +44 (0)1254 705 255

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